Recent Successes
what makes us Different
Our team is different because of our knowledge, integrity, and care. It’s really that simple.
Team Beery was founded because our Associate Broker Elaine Beery went through a terrible real estate experience as a single mother. At the time, she just wanted a safe home in which to raise her son, but she knew little about the real estate process at the age of 21. So, she ended up in a place that wasn’t well-suited for her needs, personal or financially. That is why educating and making sure our clients understand their options, so they make informed decisions, is important to us! We strive to exceed your expectations every time! We will listen to what is important to you and take action to make sure you get what you need! By Elaine sharing her experience, she helps the entire Team Beery live this philosophy.
what we do
You have just found the best website to research Real Estate and homes for sale including single-family homes, condos & townhomes, luxury homes, golf course and lake homes, horse property, no HOA communities, and homes for sale in Active Adult 55+ Communities. They are all in what is known as the East Valley of Arizona; Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, Queen Creek, San Tan Valley, Apache Junction, and Gold Canyon. Our goal is to show you what each community is about and why it is unique. Feel free to look around the website and contact us if you have any questions.
What makes Team Beery special is that we are a team of dedicated full-time, full-service REALTORS with a proven process for helping buyers and sellers complete their goals quickly at the best price.. We are in the top 6% of Arizona REALTORS. As a growing team under the leadership of a prove real estate professional, you can rest assured that every step we take is a step closer to accomplishing your buying or selling plans.
We do all of the other standard work for our sellers. We put a sign in your yard and a lockbox on the house. We add your home to MLS, create marketing brochures to leave in your home for prospective buyers, But we go way beyond that! We want to sell your home as much as you do, and we understand that selling your home can be stressful. That’s why we offer a three-step marketing plan that starts from day one, so we make sure your home is seen online by the most people, including our extensive network of investors, buyers, and brokers. Wrap all that up with stellar videos so folks from far away can “walk through” your home & see what your home looks like, meaning more eyes on it! We at Team Beery want to make sure you get the most money in the shortest amount of time, that is why you should call us for a consultation!
We are committed to staying educated and on the pulse of the real estate market. We are certified to help folks as a first-time buyer or with relocations no matter if it is across town or across the country. We really care and we fight the good fight for our clients. We educate ourselves and assist our clients through all phases of the transaction going even past the closing. Time and time again we have had joy in our hearts watching a first-time buyer get the keys to their new home or helping someone land into a community from another state that fits their needs. Then we’ve helped the kids of those clients too! We strive for long-term relationships with you.
We are skilled at helping folks find just want they are looking, in the shortest amount of time at the best price for the market.

We begin way before the home hits the market, with a Property Enhancement Program, and offer tips for staging and prepping your home to sell your home for top dollar. We do a 3D video of your home, like a video game and take high quality photos so no matter where your buyer lives now, they can “view” your home online- right away. We communicate with you weekly on Tuesday to let you know what has happened within the week and any feedback we receive for your home. We list your home for sale and price according to where an appraisal will come in.
Market Action Index
This answers “How’s the Market?” by comparing rate of sales versus inventory.
Home sales continue to outstrip supply and the Market Action Index has been moving higher for several weeks. This
is a Seller’s market so watch for upward pricing pressure in the near future if the trend continues.
Real Time Market Profile
We at Team Beery have been on top of the trends in the Phoenix market for over 15 years and each year, certain trends define the market. Much of the world has taken notice of Phoenix, as we continue to drive, semiconductor and technology businesses to our door.
We have seen buyers out-pacing sellers almost two to one, but we wouldn’t say this is a hot market as the current velocity of sales have weakened due to interest rate hikes.
New contracts are significantly outpacing new listings on a weekly basis. New listing levels are at the lowest in 23 years. We are seeing stability come into the market and demand recovered faster and has stayed consistent for longer than expected.
As we always say, each neighborhood is special, so for more specific information, reach out to Team Beery and we will be happy to help!
Your East Valley Team
The East Valley market is always changing- now you have a way to stay current on what is happening in each city! Team Beery wants you to be informed and educated…
But things can change from neighborhood to neighborhood, so for specific information or questions about your home’s value, please reach out to Team Beery 602-644-1416 or office@teambeery.com anytime!! We are always here when you need us!